Tag Archives: Rosa canina

Wild rose (Wilde roos)

Rose is the plant of love, grown and used by women and men for millennia.  There is much folk and magical lore associated with the rose, I shall post about this another time.  Its petals can strengthen the heart and spirits and are found to have a cooling tonic effect on the female reproductive system. Rose hips are often used as a preventative tonic to strengthen the immune system and to aid those who are convalescing.

There are several species of wild rose in the UK: dog rose, Rosa canina; field rose, R. arvensis; sweet briar, R. rubiginosa; burnet rose, R. spinosissima and downy rose, R. villosaR. alpina and R. rugosa also grow wild in the Netherlands.  R. canina is probably the most familiar wild rose, with flask shaped hips shown here. Sweet briar is notable for the especially fragrant foliage. The hips of all roses are actually false fruit and the flowers of wild roses have only five petals, little scent and no nectar. Rose hips becomes softer and the dry calyx drops off later in the autumn, usually after the first frosts.  Hips are ready to harvest when they are a deep red (or purple with R. spinosissima) and can be pulled from the plant with little effort, without damaging the foliage.

Rose hips (NL: rozenbottels) are a particularly rich source of vitamin C and rose hip syrup was produced in quantity and rationed in the UK during WWII.  Roosvicee is a popular brand of rose hip based drink, here in the Netherlands.  Rose hip jam has traditionally been produced in Germany (Roosvicee also produce rose hip jam), rose hip soup is still popular in Sweden and a wine based on rose hips has traditionally been brewed in Sweden and Russia.

Rose hips are used medicinally in teas (1 – 2 tsp hips or 1/2 tsp powder in a 2 cup pot of water), infusions (steeped for up to 4 hours) and syrups.  Hips may be used fresh or dried. Once dried they can be ground into a powder.  Most recipes call for the removal of the hairy seeds by straining as they can be very irritating.

rosehip harvest
Rose hips from Rosa canina

Rose petals can also be used in a variety of ways such as; layering with grease-proof paper wrapped butter to impart their heavenly aroma into the fat, adding to bath water, eating in salads. I prefer heavily scented garden roses for these uses as I can’t bear to see the flowers removed from wild rose bushes (and they have little scent anyway).  Rose petal glycerite is also very simple to make but requires lots of petals.

These days I only have access to small quantities of rose hips and I prefer to make a good strong syrup from them, or a tea if I can only collect a few.  Here is a very simple traditional recipe for rose hip syrup which can be used for any quantity of hips.  I use this recipe whenever I collect a  cup or more of hips and it is beautiful, delicious and useful.  The colours and aromas of this recipe are always magical.  I have also included a raw syrup recipe, from Hedgerow Medicine, by Julie Bruton Seal & Matthew Seal.  I haven’t yet tried it, as I always want my syrup quickly, but it sounds interesting and is thought to have a higher vitamin C level than the boiled version.  Do let me know if you make it.

Traditional Rose Hip Syrup

  • Clean and sterilise your syrup bottles#.
  • Wash your harvested hips and remove any dry calyxes and stalks.
  • Measure the volume of your hips and boil them in half that volume of water.  Simmer for 20 minutes with lid on pan.
  • Turn off heat and use a fork to lightly mash up the hips into the liquid.
  • Allow the pulpy brew to cool to a manageable temperature.
  • Strain the brew (mashed hips and liquor) through a sterilised jelly bag or tea towel or muslin cloth, into a clean bowl.  Get as much juice out of the pulp as possible without squeezing the seeds through the jelly bag or cloth.
  • Rinse your saucepan.
  • Measure the volume of the extracted juice and return it to the clean saucepan.  Add half that volume of sugar and give it a little mix.
  • Bring the juice and sugar to the boil then simmer for 5 – 10 minutes, stirring regularly.
  • Pour the syrup into sterilised bottles, seal with a tight lid and label.

#A guide to how many bottles you will need – Yesterday I collected one and a half  cups of ripe hips.  This yielded about 150ml of syrup.

Raw Rose Hip Syrup

  • Clean and sterilise a wide mouth pickling jar (NL: available cheaply in Blokker)
  • Clean and prepare your rose hip harvest as above – then dry them off.
  • Gentle score the skin of each hip, a few times with a sharp knife.
  • Cover the bottom of your jar with a layer of caster sugar.  Then make layers of hips and sugar, so that all the spaces between the hips are filled with sugar.
  • Close up the jar and leave on a sunny windowsill for a couple of months or until the juice has been drawn out of the hips and liquified the sugar.
  • Strain off the liquid, bottle and store in the fridge.

Legal Disclaimer: The content of this website is not intended to replace conventional western medical treatment. Any suggestions made and all herbs listed are not intended to diagnose, treat,cure or prevent any disease, condition or symptom. Personal directions and use should be provided by a medical herbalist or other qualified healthcare practitioner with a specific formula for you. All material on this website is provided for general information purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or consultation. Always check with your personal physician when you have a question pertaining to your health and healthcare.